Quarter Life Crisis? Yes, it exists!!!

It was just another typical day, the only difference being it was my 25th birthday. And I was home. There wasn’t anything remarkable to do. So I decided to hunt through my worn out wooden cupboard that once served as my personal ‘chamber of secrets’. One quick glance and I saw myself smiling at the big pile of dusty old diaries. Some of those dated back to 2000, when I was just a happy go lucky 6 year old who didn’t give a damn about flaunting her cute laugh even with half of her teeth missing. Well, I took out a random diary and turned the pages one by one. I was amazed at how beautifully I had penned down all those school time memories. That’s when I stumbled upon my “bucket list” : the list of things to do before I turn 25 which ranged from publishing my autobiography to owning a red Ferrari just like the one in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. Woah!! I felt a sudden chill down my spine, a wave of twitchiness shaking my whole body ; one look at my trembling fingers and you could say I was in a blue funk. The realisation has dawned upon me that I have already turned 25 without fulfilling at least one of those childhood dreams that kept me going.

It made me wonder about what exactly had I been doing in the past 25 years of my life. The first 18 in school, trying “hard” to get into college. The next 4 in college studying electronic circuits and control systems only to land on a corporate job that has nothing whatsoever to do with all those funny field theories. A new job, a new city, a new bunch of people around me, it all looked very promising in the beginning and it indeed was, until those tiniest things started to haunt me : a facebook post about a friend landing on his/her dream job, insta stories shouting out a perfect vacation at one of those dreamy landscapes, Monday mornings, my celebrity crushes who are at least 3 years younger to me. It’s true : most of my friends have their dream careers sorted with some of them planning destination weddings to their college sweethearts and some even popping out their first babies. I have hit a brick wall and now I don’t know what the heck am I supposed to do.

Google told me I was experiencing what is called a Quarter Life Crisis. Hmmm. A nice, fancy word for the complete sense of purposelessness I was feeling. It also told me am far from alone to feel like being in that vaccum between those teenage years and late 20s where it seems like I am navigating a no man’s land with no clue as to when I’ll reach the other side. Apparently a LinkedIn study in 2017 claims that 75% of the adults in their mid 20s to early 30s have experienced a quarter life crisis.

I can probably pin the first inklings of my own quarter-life crisis to that itsy-bitsy itch you start to get when you’re not feeling super fulfilled at work: the itch for something more meaningful, the itch to use more of your potential, the itch to keep growing. Being part of clubs like Toastmasters, dancing my stress off twice a week, teaching kids Math, burying my head into a pile of books….nothing seemed to help me from wanting to run away; to start again; or indulge myself in anything that will distract me from my own reality. I appear to have it all. I’m healthy, with a good job, close friends and a loving family – and yet I feel lost. So I decided to open up about it to two of my close friends. That’s when it started getting a bit less blurry. Of course they both were no miracle workers but I understood talking about it to the right set of people who might also be going through the same phase, could help to some extent.

I still haven’t figured out my customized routemap towards overcoming whatever it is I am experiencing right now. With the course of time, I hope I will and I may even own that red Ferrari some day down the lane. Who knows? Just like Forrest Gump’s momma said “Life is a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get”.



29 thoughts on “Quarter Life Crisis? Yes, it exists!!!

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  1. Oh I totally join hands in this. I get freaked out for this exact same thing. I’ve even been woken up by nightmares about the very same thing. Thanks for writing your thoughts down. It was a pleasure read.

  2. Yes, the quest for satisfaction goes on, some marry and have kids for the same, and forget the lost feel for a while, well mostly because of responsibilities and being busy, rather than satisfied
    Btw, awesome write up ♥️

  3. Well, I am going through something similar currently which is why I could relate to every word in this writeup. However, the key would be to stop comparing ourselves with others and just strive towards our goals. What say? 🙂
    P.S a great and thought-provoking piece of information.

    1. True that. Every person out there has a unique journey. There’s no point in comparing. But still, at the end of the day we are all humans and end up doing it even though we know it’s not the way out.
      Thank you for reading 🙂

  4. Very true..so that I’m not going to look at my diary of dreams.. because I’m damn sure that I haven’t achieved anything in that..Don’t know what will happen tomorrow..hope for the best.

    You wrote very well ammu..and thankyou for reminding me too♥️🤩

  5. Well, I am way past a quarter-life crisis! I am even past a mid-life crisis! With that said, this is one of the best-written articles I have read in some time. Whatever you do, keep writing. Thank you for following Eugi’s Causerie!

  6. As you’re going through a quarter life crisis, I’m having my mid-life fun. You will discover your truth—I’m proof of it! Keep writing and discovering the beauty within. You’re such a unique and precious gift. Compare yourself to no one, just stay true to who you are!

  7. For someone like me at mid age, while doing things that make me happy, it is quite natural for others to comment as mid-age crisis. But i know how important it is to stay happy. I can easily relate to what you have written, the earlier you achieve the earlier you get into this crisis 😄 but am sure there are many things that can make each of us happy though no common
    formulae for that. Always be aware that there will be constraints too….. While being bold make sure that you stay safe and healthy too 👍👍 wishing u loads of happiness 💐💐

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